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How To Get 1000 FREE Exposures to your business everyday

Let me ask you an important question!
How many people heard about your opportunity for the first time yesterday? 1?,2?,3? 100? How about 1,000? Zero? Don't know? Well, your not alone.

I find that most networkers can't answer this simple question that is so important to the success of their businesses. Exposure is everything in network marketing. That is, success is simply a numbers game. If you and your organization can talk to more people than your competition - you'll get more sign-ups. It's that simple. The end result is that you earn a bigger commission check, and I know you wouldn't mind that.

I've found that a majority of the most successful distributors in the world became that way by simply asking questions and teaching their downline to do the same. Asking questions? YES!

Example: Ask the person standing in front of you in the supermarket line, "Hey... have you ever heard of Melaleuca? They answer: "No." Then you insert your 30 second commercial here; "Oh man, I can't stop talking about it - I started buying many of the items I use to buy in this store from Melaleuca and now I'm saving money and making money at the same time! This company is freakin' awesome!" At this point the person will either ask YOU more about the products or they won't - either way - you're work is done. You asked a question. An exposure has been made.

You see, good questions are conversation STARTERS. They're easy to ask and anyone can do it. The hardest part about the whole process is just asking the first question. After that, asking questions to make exposures for your business will become second nature for you. This is true especially once you see how much interest in your products, and how many sales you make from asking questions! ASSIGNMENT: Stop reading this article right now and complete the following assignment. Take out a fresh piece of paper and in the next 5 minutes write down as many questions that you can ask someone about your products. Don't think - just write.

Example's for:
1) The product - "Have you ever heard of Melaleuca (or a Melaleuca product)?
2) The opportunity - "How would you earn an 'extra' $1,000 a month?"
3) Internet Service - "Have you ever heard of iglide.net?"
4) Weight loss - "Did you ever buy one of those 'lose weight' programs off TV?"
Write as many as you possibly can - questions that will LEAD people to a conversation. Then, cross off the one's that don't agree with you and test your top 3 questions. Ask them to people you meet, friends, family and to leads you get from Cutting Edge Media. I guarantee that you'll have at least one question on your list that may be worth THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS if asked to enough people. ANYONE can ask the question at least 3 times a day -- "Have you ever heard of Melaleuca?" Part-timers should ask at least 5 times a day, and full timers should ask the question 10 times a day or more. Talk about exposure! Imagine if you had just 100 part-timers in your group, and 50 full timers asking the question, "Have you ever heard of Melaleuca?" That's ONE THOUSAND prospects being contacted EVERYDAY. What kind of impact would this have on your business? It would be monumental! But remember, this won't happen by itself -- YOU need to start the process right now, today. If your serious, ask your question at least 5 times today! It's a must! And then watch what happens... you'll thank me later.

Stop Chasing Unmotivated Prospects and START MAKING MONEY TODAY!