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MelaCom Long Distance Savings Program

Earn Base Points and commissions on all your Organizations MelaCom Long Distance Phone Bills!
You'll earn Base Points equal to 10% of your U.S. and Canadian Customers' MelaCom long distance phone bills! These MelaCom Base Points count toward your organizational volume. In today's world, everyone makes long-distance phone calls - which will create automatic volume that will help your business grow. With the extra Base Point volume generated by MelaCom, it's like having extra Preferred Customers in your organization!

Receive a calling card with no additional monthly fees
No additional monthly feeOnly 9.95¢ per minute on all calls within the continental U.S. - 24 hours a day Terrific international rates (call MelaCom Customer service for details) Low per call surcharge - only 25¢ per call

Get toll-free service without monthly minimum usage requirements
When the unexpected happens … A MelaCom Toll-free number can be your personal life-line!For only $1.00 per month, a MelaCom toll-free number allows family and friends to call home 24 hours a day! Each interstate call costs you only 7.9¢ per minute, day or night, from anywhere in the continental United States. No minimum usage requirements Cheaper than any collect call Great for businesses, too!