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A Home Business Opportunity

What are your financial goals?

Do you simply want to earn a little extra income every month, to pay forthose "fun things" you never get to do? Or are you looking for a steadysource of income that will eventually lead you out of debt and on tofinancial freedom?

Whatever the case, Melaleuca can provide you with the opportunity toincrease your monthly income, simply by doing the things you would doanyway: purchasing home, health and personal care products and usingthem in your home. When you share our catalog with others and theybegin purchasing products, you start earning a residual income thatcontinues month after month as long as they continue to buy. And the possibilities are endless - you decide how far and how fast you want to go.

As with anything worthwhile, the rewards of a Melaleuca business come from specific individual efforts. Some Marketing Executives, the beginning status of a new Melaleuca business builder, are involved with Melaleuca every day some set aside a couple of days or nights each week for their Melaleuca business others might do little more than purchase products their household wouldn't do without. Whatever your involvement, if you want to increase your household income, you can map out a simple, straightforward plan - and you can count on Melaleuca to be there with you every step of the way.

Earn Extra Income
Most people start a Melaleuca Independent Business to earn asecond income. They continue to hold full-time or part-time jobs,but they've found that it's simple to take advantage ofMelaleuca's complete training, support, individual businessreports and other time-saving services to build a home-basedbusiness in their spare time.

Secure Income for Today and Tomorrow
For those who don't have a retirement plan or are concernedabout their current income or retirement options, an independent Melaleuca business has the potential to provide added security. With a successful Melaleuca business, you have the potential to build a business with residual income that lasts a lifetime. Residual income is a continuous stream of income generated by the repeat purchase of products. Marketing Executives receive commissions as long as they are active and produce the requisite Base Points.


Melaleuca is one of an elite few companies ever to earn recognition five years in a row on Inc. magazine's yearly indexing of America's 500 fastest growing companies.

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